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Overview: The use of a Dermatoscope has transformed the assessment of skin lesions in recent years. These handheld devices, which provide illumination and magnification are already used by many GPs and nurses in Primary Care and have been proven to improve diagnostic accuracy and reduce unnecessary surgical procedures. 

Learning outcome: This recorded webinar is designed to provide an introduction to Dermoscopy for complete beginners. It will demystify the technique and aims to generate interest in future study. Basic principles and the fundamentals of lesion recognition will be covered, as well as examples how it can change the management. Further resources and educational material will be highlighted. It will be of interest to any Primary Health Care Professional who deals with skin lesions.


Speaker: Dr Jonathan Bertalot, GP Partner and Specialty Doctor in Dermatology, BCUHB.

Facilitated by: Dr David Lupton GP CPD Lead.

Recorded: October 2021  Duration: 65 Minutes


Understanding and Managing Skin Lesions in Primary Care

Overview: Skin lesion diagnosis and management forms a core component of the General Practitioner’s workload. Many GPs however, feel under-skilled in this domain, partly through a lack of specific training allied to an understandable concern that dangerous lesions are not missed. This may lead to unnecessary referrals and increased patient anxiety.

Learning outcome: This recorded webinar takes a systematic look at all common presentations of skin lesions to Primary Care and provides a structure to aid clinical decision making, including when and how to refer. Therapeutic options will be discussed and an introduction to Dermoscopy is included. Participants will feel increased confidence and competence at dealing with these challenging cases.



Speaker: Dr Jonathan Bertalot, GP Partner and Specialty Doctor in Dermatology, BCUHB.

Facilitated by: Dr David Lupton GP CPD Lead.


Recorded: June 2021  Duration: 63 Minutes


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