
Created by Dr Chris Price and the Orbit360 Team

At the end of this vital module you will have:

  • more information about collecting patient feedback when undertaking virtual consultations
  • developed an understanding of the methods used to collect patient feedback
  • learnt how to monitor the progress of your feedback via your Orbit360 account
  • learnt that Orbit360 allows you to pause your feedback and resume at a later date, if appropriate for your circumstances
  • a better understanding of how to reflect on your feedback if this has not met your expectations.


  • Orbit360 allows a varied method of collection, ensuring this process is as seamless as possible for both you and your patients.
  • You can download patient forms in English, Welsh and large print options or you can download online access codes so a patient can complete feedback the same way a colleague would.
  • Where possible, you should still follow the advice of the GMC and appoint someone to facilitate the process on your behalf. This could be a secretary, receptionist, or other member of clinical or non-clinical staff.
  • At any stage you can log into your Orbit360 account to monitor the progress of your feedback.
  • You cannot see which individuals have completed the feedback, you can however see how many responses you have received and how long you have remaining until your survey closes.
  • You will need to collect 20 patient responses to meet the requirements of the Orbit360 survey.
  • If you are not currently seeing any patients, Orbit360 allows you to pause your feedback and resume this at a later date. You should contact your designated body to do this.
  • Remote consultation does lose the doctor to patient report, and patient may be disappoint with remote consultations. This might be reflected with less than good feedback.
  • The feedback needs to be tempered with a knowledge in which the feedback was taken.
  • The value of feedback still remains, if you think the feedback is less good than it would be normally you may need to change something about your virtual consultations.
  • Each individual must reflect on their own feedback in their own way.

Frequetly Asked Questions

This site provides a range of Frequently Asked Questions aimed at supporting doctors while undertaking their patient and colleague feedback on Orbit360. The FAQ's provide a range of common queries, guidance and 'how to' guides for Doctors, Supportive Medical Colleagues (SMC), Colleagues, Patients and Local Survey Administrators (LSA).

 If you have any questions, please email heiw.orbit360@wales.nhs.uk


To provide feedback on this module, please click on the linke below, you will be a taken to a short questionnaire which will take 5 minutes to complete.

Feedback Survey

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