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Clinicians working in primary care have a key role to play in protecting vulnerable adults and children in society. We are in a unique position to recognise victims of domestic abuse, children at risk of harm or the vulnerable elderly, because these people come into our surgeries, we know them and they are more likely to trust us.  Dr Rowena Christmas.                                                                                                                               

Introduction to Safeguarding and Level 3

Overview: It is important that those who work in primary care are aware of their safeguarding training requirements and what they need to do to meet them. This Q&A session will explain why safeguarding is important, what the competencies and training requirements are and how we are supporting you in attaining Level 3.

Speaker: Dr Rowena Christmas. GP Partner from the Wye Valley Practice, near Monmouth. Safeguarding Lead there for over 20 years and established their Cluster Safeguarding Peer Support group in 2018. A Bevan Exemplar for Safeguarding. RCGP Chair and Safeguarding Lead for Wales.

Facilitated by: Dr Nicola Flower GP CPD Lead.


Recorded: May 2021  Duration: 22 Minutes

Adult Safeguarding

Overview: Healthcare professionals have a unique and privileged role. Patients and their families allow us into their lives, often at times of great distress, in order to support and help them. Part of our holistic practice includes safeguarding our adult patient’s right to live in safety, free from abuse and neglect. It is important that we recognise that adults sometimes have complex interpersonal relationships and may be ambivalent, unclear or unrealistic about their personal circumstances. We will consider the importance of making safeguarding personal, so we manage situations with a person-led, outcome focussed approach.

Learning outcomes: This recorded webinar offers a whistle-stop tour through the unique challenges of Adult Safeguarding. We cover Safeguarding Principals and the Care Act 2014, the Mental Capacity Act, Deprivation of Liberty and the new Liberty Protection Safeguards, Enduring Power of Attorney and we finish up discussing some of the different forms of abuse. There are plenty of anonymised cases provided throughout, to make it more interesting and clinically relevant.

Speaker: Dr Rowena Christmas. GP Partner from the Wye Valley Practice, near Monmouth. Safeguarding Lead there for over 20 years and established their Cluster Safeguarding Peer Support group in 2018. A Bevan Exemplar for Safeguarding. RCGP Chair and Safeguarding Lead for Wales.

Facilitated by: Dr Nicola Flower GP CPD Lead.


Recorded: June 2021  Duration: 57 Minutes

Advance and Future Care Planning

Overview: “If palliative care was seen as about living instead of dying, we could transform practice, conversations and the way people live the last part of their lives.” Katherine Mannix

Personalised advance and future care planning is a vital factor in ensuring people receive high-quality and dignified care; particularly for people who have serious and life limiting conditions, and older people who may be frail. During this talk we will consider what Advance and Future Care Planning is, why is can be challenging to discuss and why it is so important.

Learning outcomes: We discuss who needs a plan, and when are the best times to talk about it. We use the Cardiff Postgraduate Palliative Care Programme 6 Point Plan which offers guidance about how to start these conversations and what to do if it feels difficult. We review the Mental Capacity Act and its implications in this setting and look at some specific patient groups where this important discussion may be overlooked.

Speaker: Dr Rowena Christmas. GP Partner from the Wye Valley Practice, near Monmouth. Safeguarding Lead there for over 20 years and established their Cluster Safeguarding Peer Support group in 2018. A Bevan Exemplar for Safeguarding. RCGP Chair and Safeguarding Lead for Wales.

Facilitated by: Dr Nicola Flower GP CPD Lead.


Recorded:  July 2021  Duration: 50 minutes


Advance and Future Care Planning for People with Learning Difficulties



Speaker: Dr Rowena Christmas. GP Partner from the Wye Valley Practice, near Monmouth. Safeguarding Lead there for over 20 years and established their Cluster Safeguarding Peer Support group in 2018. A Bevan Exemplar for Safeguarding. RCGP Chair and Safeguarding Lead for Wales.


Recorded:  March 2022  Duration: 37 Minutes

County Lines and Child Exploitation 

Overview: “Wales is drowning in street drugs due to the rise of county lines gangs”, an addiction specialist has warned. The National Crime Agency said more than 100 gangs were operating in towns across Wales, with drug bosses pulling the strings mainly from London, Birmingham and Liverpool. 

County lines is a form of criminal exploitation. It is when criminals befriend children, either online or offline, and then manipulate them into drug dealing. The 'lines' refer to mobile phones that are used to control a young person who is delivering drugs, often to towns outside their home county

Learning Outcomes: This recorded webinar is an opportunity to understand more about this increasingly prevalent risk to our nation’s children, how to recognise the signs that a child is at risk, and what you should do if you have concerns.


Speaker: Dr Rowena Christmas. GP Partner from the Wye Valley Practice, near Monmouth. Safeguarding Lead there for over 20 years and established their Cluster Safeguarding Peer Support group in 2018. A Bevan Exemplar for Safeguarding. RCGP Chair and Safeguarding Lead for Wales.

Facilitated by: Dr Nicola Flower GP CPD Lead. 


Recorded:  April 2022  Duration: 47 Minutes

Domestic Abuse and Coercive Control

Overview: Domestic abuse is appalling in its toll on the people and families affected. It is an abuse of human rights and a major public health problem because of the long-term health consequences for people who have experienced it. More than 2 million people over 16 years old in England and Wales suffer domestic abuse in some form every year. That is 1 in 4 women and 1 in 6 men. The children who are trapped seeing and hearing the abuse are also deeply affected.

We know that most often it is our health services through GPs, health visitors, midwives, emergency departments, ambulance and sexual health clinical staff who are the first point of contact for people suffering from abuse. As well as the personal tragic impact on every family affected, domestic abuse costs public services £4 billion each year, with the NHS bearing almost half of this cost. People experiencing domestic abuse often desperately want help but are afraid to speak out. They may be more likely to do so when using health services, because crucially they trust health professionals with disclosure, and we can offer victims and perpetrators practical support. In this way we have the opportunity to change people’s lives. Health Professionals can only achieve this when we feel confident and supported, so that routine enquiry into domestic abuse becomes a fundamental part of the skills and practice of our everyday practice.

Learning outcomes: This talk aims to offer information and resources to support health professionals to ask the
right questions and so help to end the cycle of abuse.

Speaker: Dr Rowena Christmas. GP Partner from the Wye Valley Practice, near Monmouth. Safeguarding Lead there for over 20 years and established their Cluster Safeguarding Peer Support group in 2018. A Bevan Exemplar for Safeguarding. RCGP Chair and Safeguarding Lead for Wales.

Facilitated by: Dr Nicola Flower GP CPD Lead.


Recorded:  June 2021  Duration: 49 Minutes


Perplexing Presentations and Fabricated or Induced Illness in Children - A Primary Care Perspective

Overview: There is often uncertainty about the criteria for suspecting FII/PP and the threshold at which safeguarding procedure should be invoked. In the UK we are shifting towards earlier recognition and intervention without the need for proof of deliberate deception. Children and young people with perplexing presentations often have a degree of underlying illness, and exaggeration of symptoms is difficult to prove and even harder for health professionals to manage and treat appropriately.

New guidance from the Royal College of Paediatricians & Child Health published this year, aims to provide a framework for earlier intervention to explore the concerns of children, families and professionals in order to try to address the issue of a perplexing presentation well before significant harm has come to the child or young person, whilst also outlining when immediate action may be required.

Learning outcomes: This recorded webinar aims to summarise the new guidance in a way most helpful for people working in primary care.


Speaker: Dr Rowena Christmas. GP Partner from the Wye Valley Practice, near Monmouth. Safeguarding Lead there for over 20 years and established their Cluster Safeguarding Peer Support group in 2018. A Bevan Exemplar for Safeguarding. RCGP Chair and Safeguarding Lead for Wales.

Facilitated by: Dr Nicola Flower GP CPD Lead.


Recorded:  June 2021 Duration: 52 minutes


Safeguarding Children in Primary Care

Overview: Everyone who comes into contact with children and their families has a role to play in prevention, recognising and responding to concerns in order to protect children from harm. Healthcare professionals have a unique and privileged role. Patients and their families allow us into their lives, often at times of great distress, in order for us to support and help them. When we ensure that safeguarding is embedded as a key part of our holistic practice, we can use the trust created to recognise concerns early and intervene. Doing so can change lives.

Learning outcomes: In this recorded webinar we consider safeguarding principles and how these fit within the legislative and policy framework. We then reflect on recent serious case reviews and how these highlight repeated themes that are found when children come to serious harm.


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Speaker: Dr Rowena Christmas. GP Partner from the Wye Valley Practicenear Monmouth. Safeguarding Lead there for over 20 years. A Bevan Exemplar for Safeguarding and RCGP Safeguarding Lead for Wales since 2019. Chair of RCGP Cymru Wales.

Facilitated by: Dr Nicola Flower GP CPD Lead.  

Recorded:  September 2022  Duration: 49 Minutes


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