Motivate 2 Move
Module created October 2013 - Reviewed March 2020
If we could give every individual the right amount of nourishment and exercise, not too little and not too much, we would have found the safest way to health - Hippocrates 460-377 BC
Welcome to Motivate 2 Move
The purpose of this module is to give all health care professions, the background information to educate and motivate patients about the health benefits of physical activity.
Regular physical activity provides a range of physical and mental health benefits. These include reducing the risk of disease, managing existing conditions, and developing and maintaining physical and mental function. 1 More details on the conditions that benefit form physical activity follow in other parts of this resource.
It also contributes to a range of wider social benefits for individuals and communities, which include: improved learning and attainment, managing stress, self-efficacy, improved sleep, the development of social skills, and better social interaction.1
Figure 1: Cumulative health benefits of physical activity across ages. 1
Designed as brief information ‘bites’, the module covers all aspects of physical activity and health from general information to disease specific recommendations. It comprises four main sections:
- UK physical activity guidelines
- Health benefits - for 31 different medical conditions
- Behaviour change – using three different methods
- Starting to get active
And shows relevant NICE advice on physical activity, links to patient resources and ideas for audit.
References: Can be found in Chapter 18